Resume Heading

Make the first impression with your resume heading. Yes, it really is important!

The following is what to include:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • E-mail

Read through these tips and pointers for each part.


Make your name a larger font.
Of course, being the first thing managers see, your name needs to be bold and a couple font sizes larger than your address. Your address and other contact information should only be between font sizes 10-14.

No need to include full, complete name.
Sometimes, it's okay to put your first, middle initial and last name, but it's not really necessary. If you're applying for a prestigious sales position, then this would work well. Otherwise, keep it to first and last.

Have a nickname?
If you normally go by a different name other than your real legal name (example: you go by your middle name), then use that in the heading. However, if you use a name that's short for your real name, then evaluate what looks more professional on paper.

Always put your name at the top!
Don't try to be over-creative. One of the biggest mistakes you could do is put your name in the middle or at the bottom of your resume (I have seen this before!). Managers will just pass through your page like wind.


Put your full address, including apartment number.
We all want our privacy, but managers actually evaluate you partly based on how far you live.

For instance, if your experience is highly qualified but your address is 3 hours away from the company, they won't even consider calling you. So if you're moving, be sure to include both your current and future address. Click on the link below to see a sample.


Leave one main contact number. It's your choice if you want to include both your home and cell number. But it's best to leave one main number where you are easily reached.

Fax is not necessary. The last thing a manager will do is reply to you via fax. Remember, this is the 21st century.


Have a professional e-mail address!
This is an absolute must! Right away, you will not come off as professional if you leave an e-mail address like or Leave your fancy e-mails as personal. If you don't have a professional e-mail address, sign up for one! This is so important that I'm making it my next priority tip...

Priority Tip: A professional e-mail address is vital!

So what does a professional e-mail address look like?
It is simply a combination of your first & last name before the domain address. Here are a variety of ways to make it look... we will use John Smith as an example:

  • (best option)

If all of those options are taken, you can combine your middle name in there as well.

Click here for some resume heading samples.

Or go back to Main Resume Outline