Resume Tips
Outline & Organization

Now that you have chosen your format, time to finally create your resume!

I will offer resume tips, not only, on every section and content needed, I'll also provide a variety of samples to help you choose your style along with very specific and detailed advice on building a quality resume.

It is obvious, common knowledge what particular parts a resume must have. But read through carefully because you might find useful tips that you wouldn't normally think are important when they are.

And pay close attention to every priority tip, which I randomly display throughout each page. I greatly emphasize those because they are extremely vital for you to take into account.

Priority Tip #1: A resume's look & feel is of the utmost importance.

As mentioned before, employers only spend a couple seconds reviewing each resume, so the appearance of your document must grab their attention right away.

If you present your amateur resume, it will be trashed in seconds and you will not be noticed. Remember, it is not the most qualified candidate who gets the job, it is the candidate who presents himself or herself the best; in other words, landing a job is 70% presentation, and 30% actual skills and ability.

As you go through each section, don't just copy every sample... take time to really think of your own design that fits you. These resume tips should give you a better idea of how to structure a good document.

Start with the first section of this outline, and we'll go through each part step-by-step.

Resume Sections

1. Heading
2. Objective
3. Summary of Qualifications
4. Education
5. Experience

Optional Sections

  • Additional Experience
  • Community Involvement
  • Additional Skills
  • Awards & Honors
  • Coursework & Credentials

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Why is the look of a resume so important?

In the employers' viewpoint, most resumes all look alike. People think that as long as you have the standard sections in a particular order, your resume is complete. Many assume that they can just need to type the objective, education and experience, and then it's done. Well, not exactly...

You can be as creative as you want. Use borders, lines, and whatever design to make it stand out more as long as you don't go overboard. A plain resume is not what managers want to see... Being on the hiring side myself, it gets very repetive and boring to view hundreds of resumes done with little effort, even if you do have experience. And that is why I am stressing these resume tips to you - Be Creative.

Make no mistake - a successful resume is a marketing document. You need to sell your skills to an employer and make that employer want to call you... Your job search requires that you present the most professional image possible. A great resume can open doors to job applicants, no matter how much experience you may have in that industry. By presenting your responsibilities, accomplishments, achievements, and skills in a crisp, cohesive format, the document should speak volumes on your behalf.

Need more help?

My professional services are available if you can't find the time to craft your resume alone. I proudly accomodate to my clients by providing free resume tips along with highly affordable writing services.

Check my professional resume rates here, and I will make it an easier process for you.

Go back to our Main Writing page if you are lost in these resume tips.