To Hire a Professional Resume Writer or Not, That Is The Question

To hire a professional resume writer during college or just after you graduate really should be the question any new grad, in any field, should be asking herself. Let me tell you why… Many in the working world do not have the training or understanding of what goes into writing a good and well-crafted resume document. It does not change if you are younger, an older student, getting your M.B.A. or even M.D. You lack the key words and grasp of how a good resume works.


Some of my clients go to the college or university job center to get help in the writing of their resume and career documents. During your college years you might, if it is regular day school, or even the non-traditional route of online education, she does not have the time to really grasp all the details of what a good resume is and what to put on the profile section.  Isn’t it just an Objective Statement?  Nope, to that question.  Furthermore, the extent of a good research time on Google or Bing may only afford a sample resume form or one that is likened to the Microsoft standard one that is so plain. 


Hiring a resume writer is good even for the resume writer herself.  As lawyers would find other lawyers to represent themselves in the court of law, or a doctor would seek another healthcare professional to help diagnose, in the same tradition, I, the author of this website, hired a professional resume writer to go over and do my resume.  Why? I wanted a professional in my field to find the nooks-and-crannies of my career, to look in every corner of my life-career that I may have missed.  I needed an outside perspective on my career, my writing life, what I had to offer and just be a good eye of what I might have not seen. 


Secondly and more importantly, the reason to hire a resume writer at any point of your career, where you’re in the first day of graduation to a tenured IT manager, you need to have a fresh set of eyes on what you can offer the companies your are vying for.  That resume writer can look at your old resume and career skill sets and offer you a good action plan.


Lastly, citing my own national affiliation’s website, The National Resume Writer’s Association: 

“Most people who write their own résumés are unsure of how to best present their strengths, downplay their weaknesses, and appeal to employer needs. Common mistakes include the omission of important information and/or strategic sections, the inclusion of irrelevant (and/or ill advised) details, a shortage of keywords, a failure to emphasize transferable skills, a lack of a specific career focus, and an uninviting page design. And, perhaps most critically, the majority of applicants write ‘task oriented’ résumés vs. ‘achievement based’ résumés” (


Here are some quick points from this week:

  • Look for a resume writer in the community or near to your field of interest.
  • How do you find a good resume writer? Look for one that is not FAMILY or a FRIEND. They are too close to you.
  • Love your career? Find a resume writer to make your career your passion.
